

jdl008 剧场演出 2024-05-07 39浏览 0

这夜半魅影歌声不停地向我你呼唤这命里的夜半魅影歌声 男 只有在梦魇中,可曾疑问 似魂似人魅影, 女 越假越真 合 生活在迷宫里魂魄相缠 这夜半魅影歌声不停地向我你呼唤 女 这命里的夜半;歌名I RememberStranger Than You Dreamt it 歌词ChristineI remember there was mist Swirling mist upon a vast, glassy lake There were candles all around and on the lake there was a boat and in the boat。

Think of me,想起我 think of me fondly,柔情的想起我 when we#39ve said goodbye当我们已经说了再见 Remember me, once in a while 偶尔想想我 please promise me you#39ll try请答应我你会试着这样去做 When;1Think of Me CHRISTINEThink of me, think of me fondly, when we#39ve said goodbyeRemember me every so often promise me you#39ll tryOn that day, that not so distant day, when you are far away。


and seen想想所有那些,我们彼此分享目睹的事don#39t think about the things which might have been莫去想事情可能的变化出处出自The Phantom of the Opera歌剧魅影中的一首歌曲think of me;The Phantom of the Opera With Steve Harley Christine SarahBeneath the opera house I know he#39s thereHe#39s with me on the stage,He#39s everywhereAnd when my song begins,I always find The phantom of。

Wandering child so lost, so helpless,yearning for my guidanceCHRISTINE Angel or father, friend or Phantom ?Who is it there staring ?PHANTOM more and more hypnoticHave you forgotten your Angel?CHRISTINE Ange;All I Ask of You的歌词No more talk of darkness,forget these wideeyed fearsI#39m here, nothing can harm you,my words will warm and calm youLet me be your freedom,let daylight dry your tearsI#39m。


Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation 深夜里,每一种感觉都在渐渐复苏 Darkness wakes and stirs imagination 黑暗唤醒并刺激着幻觉 Silently the senses abandon their defenses 无声中,所有感官放下了防备 Helpless。

Nighttimesharpens,heightenseachsensation 夜来临,感觉渐渐,敏锐清晰 Darknesswakesandstirsimagination 暗夜流动,唤醒想象 Silentlythesenses,abandontheirdefences 让理性默然,不再抵挡 HelplesstoresistthenotesIwrite 不再抵挡我书写。

Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation 夜晚让各种感觉更加敏锐强烈 Darkness stirs and wakes imagination 黑暗骚动唤醒无限想像 Silently the senses abandon their defenses 感官静静地卸下武装 Slowly。



1、quot The Point of No Return quotPHANTOM你至此追随你最深沉的欲望,追随你仍沉默的愿望 我已携你至此,我们的激情将会融合交融 在你心中,你已臣服于我,放弃所有抵抗, 完全臣服于我 现在你与我同在 没有。

2、美剧绝望的主妇片头曲叫歌剧魅影歌词如下CHRISTINE In sleep he sang to me,in dreams he came that voice which calls to me and speaks my name And do I dream again?For now I find the。

3、have needed you with me to serve me, to sing,For my musicMy music 歌剧魅影克莉丝汀 在睡梦中 他对我歌唱 在梦里 他走向我 那歌声 呼唤著我 呼唤著我的名字 我是不是又再作梦 此刻 我找到了歌剧魅影。

4、大约108分钟的时候,魅影和克莉丝汀演绎歌剧唐璜的时候唱的歌词Go away for the trap it is set and waits for its prey走到陷阱那去,它已经设好了正等待着它的食物 You have come here 你来到了这里 In。

5、这首曲子其实是叫作ltltThe Point of No Return 歌词PHANTOMPassarino go away!For the trap is set and waits for its prey!You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge,in pursuit of that wish。


7、Think of me,think of me fondly,when we#39ve said goodbyeRemember me, once in a while please promise me you#39ll tryWhen you find that,once again,you long to take your heart back and be free if。



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